Mentoring Matters

Transitional Education and Consulting Services

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Mentoring Matters

Although the term mentor is derived from the character in Homer’s Odyssey, the mentoring relationship has been a key factor in the successful transition to adulthood throughout history. The accelerating pace of daily life along with the changing nature of communities and families makes mentoring even more important to the growth and development of our youth. Effective mentoring doesn’t happen by accident and the need is too critical for trial and error approaches. This interactive workshop examines the responsibilities and best practices of effective mentoring relationships and programs.


bulletDefinition of Mentoring
bulletHistory of Mentoring
bulletThe Mentoring Relationship: Beginning to End
bulletThe Role and Responsibilities of the Mentor
bulletThe Role and Responsibilities of the Mentee
bulletCommunication Skills
bulletBest Practices: Do's and Don'ts
bulletMentor Training
bulletEvaluation of Mentoring Effectiveness

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